Thursday 16 May 2013

Apply theory of audiences to one of your course work projects...

I produced a film trailer for my advanced portfolio which was for a film called “the secret, the genre of this film was super natural horror. My target audience was people between the ages of 16 to 24 with the social bracket of C2DE; my ideal audience would have been people who live in Britain because this was a British film. Mainstreamers or explorers are my ideal audience because I think that these types of people would be most interested in watching our film because they are very open minded and would want to watch a film about things that don’t exist e.g. ghosts
The message from this film would ultimately be to attract audiences to watch the film, but the moral message would be not too go into places that you don’t know or places that are abandoned because you will most likely get hurt because you do not know what is hiding in those types of places, in this case there were ghosts in the abandoned church.  I don’t think that the hypodermic needle theory can be applied here because there’s no real message injected into the audience, the characters are lost and seek refuge it’s not like they are going into the abandoned church to have a party or perform illegal acts like doing drugs, so in that way I think our film trailer breaks some of the stereotypical conventions that you usually seen in teen horrors.

Thursday 9 May 2013

TV in the online age case study.... Netflix Vs HBO

Qu.1) What are the two business models of these companies?
Up until now, Netflix's strategy has involved paying content makers and distributors, like Disney and Epix, for streaming rights to their movies and TV shows.
HBO’s online content streaming service, has been exlucively reserved as a bonus for cable subscribers to watch their favorite shows online. HBO introduced its HBO GO service in 2010 as a way to let HBO subscribers watch the channel’s programing over the Internet

Qu.2) How are they becoming more similar?
HBO Go can be accessed through several difference devices, including Apple’s iPhone and iPad, Android devices and Roku boxes, but only by those who already have a cable subscription to HBO GO." Netflix also have this service and alows you to watch its programes and films on apple devices, andriods and your TV.

Qu.3) What ares some good examples of Netflix and HBO's actions to develop online subscriptions?
"Like HBO, Netflix is moving away from buying content because it would rather draw addicts, who have just one just-for-Netflix show that prevents them from canceling.With the HBO model it only takes one really good show to hook one new subscriber. The idea is that at least 520,834 someones will start paying $8 per month because they want to watch House of Cards, because it is that good. HBO already plays a similar game: all of it shows don't have to be monster successes (Girls doesn't draw that many viewers) but they do need to have an answer pop into their customer's head whenever they look at their bill and ask themselves "Why am I still paying $15 a month for HBO?" As of right now, Netflix has a lot of overlap with traditional cable and other streaming services, and they need more answers to "Why am I still paying $8 a month for Netflix?"

Qu.4) What are some good examples of how audience habbits have changed the online age?
i think that audiences have changed the online age with there habbits for example when people binge watch series, they prefer to buy the boxset and watch all the episodes in one go rqather than watching one every single week so netflix have taken that into consideration and allowed this too happen in the comfort of there own home, also the online age is always changing to suit its different audiences.

Thursday 25 April 2013

Question 1. 
Why was cinema attendance so low in the 1980s?
  • There was a growth of TV ownership. People could watch films or other television at home, rent the movie of your choice and save the money of going to the cinema. it became a lot more popular for a household to have a TV
  • More people had a car and could drive so there for they had wider range of options for entertainment because they could travel further.
  • The growth of VHS, it became very popular to stay at home and rent a movie.
Question 2.
In your own words... Why have cinema ticket sales grown since 1984?
  • Cinema attendance has grown despite of increased prices and internet downloads 
  • People may of enjoyed getting out of the house and watch a film with a proper film experiance 
  • People could say that the cinema is a cheap for a night of entertainment 
  • There was a growth in multiplex cinema so there for there is a wider range of films too see and experiance 

Question 3.

In 2006 DVD market share was 56% - Google DVD market share and find out what it 
represents now and in the future.

Question 4.

What is the current cinema turnover?

Question 5.

Draw a conclusion – how would you describe audience behaviour as a result of online 

In conclusion I think that the cinema turnover has increased and I think this is because of the cinema experience that audiences enjoy and can’t really get at home like 3D however i think it has also become a lot more popular to watch film in the comfort of their own home because of new technology it is easy to get the cinema experience at home with some things like blue ray DVD’s 

Thursday 21 March 2013

the dark knight rises case study

The dark knight rises

·         Directed by Christopher Nolan
·         Realise date: 20th July 2012
·         Official trailer got 27,568,736 views on YouTube with
Domestic Total Gross: $448,139,099
Distributor: Warner Bros.Release Date: July 20, 2012
Genre: Action ThrillerRuntime: 2 hrs. 45 min.
MPAA Rating: PG-13Production Budget: $250 million
 The website...
·         Gives you information on the cast of the film and the director
·         Advertises the film on DVD and blue ray for you to buy
·         Plays the official trailer as you enter the site
·         Advertises the dark knight rises app which allows you to send in videos and gives you unseen footage (this makes it web 2.0)
·         Shows you screen shots from the film which you can then share through social networks like facebook and twitter
·         Allows you download images and the soundtrack onto your phones, ipads, etc
Internet memes...
Rotten tomatoes and imdb...
·         Imdb: got an 8.6 rating
·         Rotten tomatoes: got an 8/10 rating

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Theoretical evaluation of production

AS production
·        the layout of the magazine – kept to the stereotypical layout of particular music magazines e.g. vibe
·         the layout of the CD inner booklet- looked at different inner booklets of different genres of music 

A2 production
·        The location- stereotypical to a horror. it was dark, abandoned, set at night
·        The layout of the magazine

I analysed many different media conventions for my planning and research section for both my AS and A2 course work I did this in many different ways and did it to make my course work more effective and make it realistic as it could possibly be. In most cases what I analysed and put in my course work worked well and was effective but it didn’t always look as good as it could this happened with my AS course work rather than my A2.
A wide range of media conventions influenced both my AS and A2 media products, I looked at different real media texts too see the stereotypical conventions of each piece of course work. For example with my A2 course work I decided that I wanted to do horror as a genre so there for I looked at many different horror film trailers too see the typical conventions of horror. I took on board what I saw and interpreted it into my course work which I think made it more effective and realistic.  For example the location of my film was a dark abandoned church the film was also set at night, I think this really conformed to the stereotypical conventions of horror because where it was so dark and mysterious it gave you the feeling that something bad was going to happen so that builds up tension which i think is a vital thing in horror. Because it makes the audience feel scared. This makes the aim of your course work achieved.  

Another example of where I analysed media conventions to make my course work more realistic and effective is with the layout of my magazine covers in both my AS and A2 course work. For my AS course work I looked at a range of different music magazine covers such as vibe, I think that this really helped me to see how magazines are supposed to look e.g. the title of the magazine is always at the top of the page in big bold letters, this is what I did with my A2 course work as well but instead of music magazines I looked at film magazines such as empire. Personally I think that my A2 magazine cover looked a lot more realistic than my AS one but I think that is because I’ve had more practise and did more research into the music magazines.

In conclusion I think that looking at real media texts and analysing the stereotypical conventions of them really helped make my  AS and A2 course work realistic it also gave me some ideas on how to take on the conventions but also change them too make them my own piece of work.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Bathes theory- narrative codes

Barthes theory
Barthes theory focuses on the concept that every narrative is made up of...
The enigma code- This sets up the mystery of the narrative. This keeps the audience wondering what will happen. The enigma is usually revealed by the end of the narrative but not in all cases.
The action code- This suggests that there are events that still need to come up. This happens until the end.
The semantic code- This involves signs that suggest or refer to additional meanings. This code is implied through connotations that things have e.g. a character holding a pen implies the character has already wrote something or is going to write something.
The symbolic code- This refers to the symbolism within a text, the symbolic code involves contrasting opposites such as black and white to show contrast and meaning.
The cultural code- This involves things that refer to the current cultural or intercultural domain there is often different cultures and this provides more context and meaning to the text and the way we think about them.

Introduction on exams

In my exam for section one I expect to talk about both pieces of coursework and talk about the real media conventions I analysed and incorporated into both my AS and A2 course work and how well they worked too make my course work more realistic. In the second question I expect to talk about the skills I have developed from creating my course work e.g. technology, genre, etc.  For the third question I expect to talk about media in the online age and talk about one piece of course work either AS or A2 with this question you will have to talk about two different media texts e.g. film, music, games, etc.