Thursday 16 May 2013

Apply theory of audiences to one of your course work projects...

I produced a film trailer for my advanced portfolio which was for a film called “the secret, the genre of this film was super natural horror. My target audience was people between the ages of 16 to 24 with the social bracket of C2DE; my ideal audience would have been people who live in Britain because this was a British film. Mainstreamers or explorers are my ideal audience because I think that these types of people would be most interested in watching our film because they are very open minded and would want to watch a film about things that don’t exist e.g. ghosts
The message from this film would ultimately be to attract audiences to watch the film, but the moral message would be not too go into places that you don’t know or places that are abandoned because you will most likely get hurt because you do not know what is hiding in those types of places, in this case there were ghosts in the abandoned church.  I don’t think that the hypodermic needle theory can be applied here because there’s no real message injected into the audience, the characters are lost and seek refuge it’s not like they are going into the abandoned church to have a party or perform illegal acts like doing drugs, so in that way I think our film trailer breaks some of the stereotypical conventions that you usually seen in teen horrors.

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